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Yes, Alex!  Please enroll me in this breakthrough class so that I can have more passion, more fun, and more aliveness in my relationship - And even turn a "gone-cold" relationship around to have a passionate relationship for life!

I understand that I'm receiving a special "more than half off" discount on the eventual price of this program as part of the live group of men going through this training.

Plus, as an added surprise bonus I'm also getting access to your seminar recording: "Relationship Sex: Sex With Someone Important To You" - a $39.00 value by itself.

And on top of that, I understand I'm protected by your rock solid guarantee which gives me 2 full months to test these techniques, and try them out with my woman.

I understand that if I'm not completely bowled over with the results I get, you'll immediately give me a full refund, no questions asked ...And I can keep everything - the entire training and all bonuses - just as a gesture of goodwill and friendship.

With that said, please enroll me today.